A Glitch in the Hand


As the old saying goes: “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” Be happy with what you have. “Don’t go chasing waterfalls.” Etc. 

But a glitch in the hand? Worth two in the bulk? Wtf are you (am I) trying to convey here if a picture is worth a thousand words? 

I’ve layered this phrase with the movie Interstellar for profundities sake. The Bulk scene where we enter the tesseract of time in relationship with two humans inextricably linked through a perceived separation, while remaining within the ultimate in connection we call love.

But love of the sort I am seeking to communicate is more akin to the word affinity. The affinity of my heart is one which is infinite in its bond as it approximates Eternal or timeless relationships regardless of temporal and ever changing circumstances. 

This affinity holds dear even our most heinous of mistakes, errors, sins or glitches. Who among us are without error? Not one of us. We’ve tried to ignore, despise, and reject our way away from our “defects” only to find ourselves capable of climbing no higher than our lowest or weakest self. “Everywhere I go I am followed by the dog of Ego” as Nietzsche succinctly states. Therefore we embrace ourselves in our lowest most reject-able moments rather that delude ourselves into high minded ideals of our perfect self which in turn, neglects the part of ourselves that needs our attention the most. This is one reason why we project such toxicity when we least expect it. (“Where did that come from” type moments.) Or maybe we expect the worse and get paranoid in the feedback loop of negative prediction cycles? However we fail we fail hard! And it seems only an acceptance which Transcends and includes, can cure us of our bad habits.

The only way out is through. 

Rather than dive into the Bulk of Imagination we STAY. We sit. We Be. For only in stillness do we get a glimpse at our glitches from the POV necessary to heal us of our own stupidity. But you must be retarded enough to slow your role down to the slowest crawl you can cognitively muster. Boredom is your best friend here. And the currency of nuanced attention is gold found herein. If you get triggered by words— why? Honestly who cares why; force of habit to even ask…

Why do I even ask? It’s not like I can access your true response right now as I write this. Plus the typical responses are pretty well documented in the psychological literature for those that want to delve into the evidence side of things. 

More importantly we need to focus on the How. How do we get at the How you ask?

First clear your System. (Easier said that done)  Next process information as clearly as you presently can to deduce a possible How it is, that you are as you are, here from within the upset of an actual moment of glitch awareness. (Presupposing the word retard triggers you of course) If you keep cleaning this room in your big brain mansion of Mind you will become greater-than you’ve previously been able to imagine. Also if you’re fortunate enough to have true friends like I hope to approximately represent, you’ll be able to calibrate not only your Ego but also the Collective Ego which is in such desperate need of calibration-clarity these days. 

Non obsessively work on yourself as an example of perfect-imperfection. Experience the lows with as much acceptance as you do the highs. If you can create and destroy without attachment, if you can “camp and decamp” with the same cognitive flexibility then you are on the trail of truth. It may be your truth or it may be The Truth, but you won’t be able to know it alone. Therefore cultivate the balance named Antinomy in all you Do and all things will flow accordingly.

Accordingly therefore, is whatever the glitch prescribes if and only iff you do the work to update your System so as to get less glitches of the same kind. The point is to solve Problems of Perception not multiply them by adding Complexity or Chaos to the mix. Simplify your System with the Habits of realization and meaningful presence. Physically embody your feelings as the job you were born to perform. You don’t need to bring Mind into every event of your life. You may have the problem of inflation like I struggle with and still develop an awareness that catches this compulsion with inflations containing even one iota of improvement in humor at ones own addiction to inflation. Which heals me bit by boring bit. But really I must really love balloons because goddamn do I seem to make one of myself every chance I get!

I recently learned how I inflate like some frogs do to avoid snakes. If I feel defensive in any way I puff up into the clouds of my own Imagination and the Self-image I project is one of how I prefer to regard myself rather than the version which is hiding the fact that I’m compulsively inflating for reasons I’ve not confronted or fully understood yet. But that word “yet” really helps the “work in progress” (WIP) that I actually am. That we all seemingly are, in truth and Reality. But as I add attention and decrease ignorance I notice new Sentience based Perceptions and Emotions. And that’s the whole point of Being human in my opinion. To feel! These are not new phenomena by any stretch of the Imagination. They’re just new to me. And that holds my interest long enough to curiously explore my own subjectivity with my most cutting edge version of Entelechy.

From there it’s pretty goddamn faith based. If I could know and hence articulate what is logically taking place, then I’d have an equation that I could provide. At least that’s my assumption. Some equation that formalizes faith so that it’s only requiring a pixel of energy from Entelechy. Like the Bible says about “faith the size of a mustard seed” being able to move mountains… that’s the way immovable objects deal with an unstoppable force. Aseity is the immovable object. The unstoppable force is learning. Learn or die. Evolve of gtfo. And pretending to learn is a waste of just about everything we value as humans. 

When someone brings negative information to you in the form of a criticism or offense, thank them for the courage to confront the discomfort of correcting others in spite of the fact that they, the messenger, (WIP) also undoubtedly require correction. Especially if their tone, words, or ways offend you into focusing on the messenger rather than the message! That’s the old way of an obsolete culture. A pattern of avoidance and denial possibly with a dollop of ignorance for the annoyance of all parties involved.

The new way is to hold that fucking bastard of a glitch in your hand and forsake the compulsion to get out in the bushes and bulks of speculation which inevitably avoids responsibility and sincerity in living life as Paragonally as possible. You can’t always Be an “example of excellence” as the name suggests. But a WIParagon, well that seems achievable. Especially since I just made it up. A power, I remind you, that we all have! The power of belief and its biological analog of the placebo effect.

Let’s say we Collectively try to empty the recycling bin of our mental desktops to get less info-noise in our belief chambers from the dogmas of the past so that the present and future can emerge symbiotically with ones actual Entelechy. The easiest way to think of it is in the form of a practical yet technical and judgmental question: how close do you like to keep your memorized version of Self? Along the way simply remember this meme for a dose of acceptance sans wishful thinking which will be readily at hand to help people notice the “what’s new with you?” and embrace ourselves as if we were being constantly recorded. Theses days, we be watching the watchers who watch themselves.

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